SmartTaxi (СмартТакси)

Order taxi tapping one button

SmartTaxi - Instant order of cheap taxi in Minsk directly from a mobile phone without dispatcher. No need to call anywhere - one tap and the cab is already on its way to you!

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SmartTaxi (СмартТакси)
SmartTaxi (СмартТакси) SmartTaxi (СмартТакси)
SmartTaxi (СмартТакси)
Taxi download to your smart!
SmartTaxi (СмартТакси) SmartTaxi (СмартТакси)

Why us?

New feature!!!

InApp payment + fixed cost trips

SmartTaxi (СмартТакси)
SmartTaxi - it is only the best drivers and cars. We guarantee maximum quality for a minimal cost!
Free Wi-Fi
With us, the Internet is always at hand.
Payment in any way
We accept cash, payment through bank card terminal or InApp payments.
Air conditioning
Hot day is not a hindrance to your comfort.
Baby chair
We care about the safety of you and your child.
Transportation of animals
Your pet can go on a trip with you.


Smart Taxi - always help if you are in a non-standard situation on the road. Quick call a tow truck for any type of transport, fuel delivery, towing, help in starting your car at any time of the year.
Fuel delivery
Fuel delivery for your car.
start car
To start car from an external power supply.
Towing in Minsk (Additional charge for each 1 km of track under the tariff STANDART).
SmartTaxi (СмартТакси)



90 kop

Price for 1 km

Within the city

Price for 1 km 90 kop


Minimum fare / Booking6 rub

(Mounting: 5 rub 10 kop + 1 km)

Waiting (1 hour)9 rub

Outside the city

Price for 1 km *1 rub 30 kop


Waiting (1 hour)13 rub

Estate car

90 kop

Price for 1 km

Within the city

Price for 1 km 90 kop

granting10 rub

Minimum fare / Booking6 rub

(Mounting: 5 rub 10 kop + 1 km)

Waiting (1 hour)9 rub

Outside the city

Price for 1 km *1 rub 30 kop

granting12 rub 50 kop

Waiting (1 hour)13 rub


90 kop

Price for 1 km

Within the city

Price for 1 km 90 kop

granting10 rub

Minimum fare / Booking6 rub

(Mounting: 5 rub 10 kop + 1 km)

Waiting (1 hour)9 rub

Outside the city

Price for 1 km *1 rub 30 kop

granting12 rub 50 kop

Waiting (1 hour)13 rub

Airport-Minsk / Minsk-Airport

Valid when traveling along the shortest route Minsk-airport, airport-Minsk. It is necessary to inform the dispatcher about the trip to / from Airport Minsk-2, or write a note when ordering online or through a mobile application. Minivan and station wagon - 70 rub

60 rub


Valid when traveling along the shortest route Minsk-airport-Minsk. It is necessary to inform the dispatcher about the trip to Airport Minsk-2 and back, or write a note when ordering online or through a mobile application. Minivan and station wagon - 130 rub

110 rub

Fuel delivery

Fuel delivery for your car

25 rub

start car

To start car from an external power supply

30 rub


Towing in Minsk (Additional charge for each 1 km of track under the tariff STANDART)

30 rub

* Out city price starts for MINSK sign

Us recomended

Елена Слесарчик
Удобное приложение Все отлично работает, 2 минуты и машина найдена, а главное не надо никуда звонить.
Александр Киршенбаум
Отлично Машина находится быстро, очень удобно,где бы ни находился.
Дмитрий Алексеев
Выручила в новогоднюю ночь Удобно и быстро!

For drivers

Если вы хотите хорошо зарабатывать, то SmartTaxi - идеальный выбор для вас! Получайте заказы на свой смартфон без простоя и холостого пробега!

Мы всегда заинтересованы в хороших людях, росте и развитии, поэтому если вы – первоклассный водитель и ищете работу – свяжитесь с нами. Для работы у нас вам понадобится смартфон под управлением Android c доступом в интернет.

Обязательно ознакомьтесь с условиями для сотрудничества со сервисом «SmartTaxi».

About the service


© 2009 AvtoYurlain Ltd.

Sharangovich str. 19, room 761 Minsk, 220018, Belarus


SmartTaxi (СмартТакси)

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